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Why Valley Restart Is Different

Compared to other shelters, Valley Restart is different in many significant ways.  It is unique in the type of homeless we target, our admissions process, the services we provide and the success rate we have achieved.  

Valley Restart’s Unique Differences Include: 
The Homeless Population We Target: 
To understand the homeless population we target, we need to look at the different categories of the homeless population.  These include: 

  1. Those who choose to be homeless and do not want any responsibility or accountability in their lives;

  2. The mentally ill;

  3. Those addicted to drugs and/or alcohol;

  4. Those individuals who find themselves homeless due to circumstances beyond their control and are looking for
    a hand-up not a hand-out.

Valley Restart Shelter only targets those in Category 4 while other shelters admit all four categories.  The Purpose of Valley Restart is to focus only on those individuals that want to help themselves and restart their lives. 

Our Admission Process 
Valley Restart Shelter requires those in need go through an application process while other shelters do not.  This process includes the following steps: 

•    Having a valid California I.D.;
•    Filling out an application;
•    Being interviewed by the Executive Director and a Case Worker;
•    Passing a criminal background check;
•    Be drug and alcohol free and submit to random testing;
•    Seek a legal source of income on a daily basis;
•    Deposit 80% of their income into savings for their future housing expenses.


The Services We Provide 
We are the only shelter serving this area and have been providing services for over 30 years. Our goal is to get our residents to a state of self-sufficiency. We offer a comprehensive suite of services that other shelters do not. These include:

Supervision 24 hours a day x 365 days a year including shelter, food and clothing.  These services are provided for 30, 60 or 90 days based on need.
Residents are provided services that include:

  • Intensive case management and life 

  • skills development 

  • Pre-employment support including 

  • creating resumes and developing 

  • interviewing and job search skills 

  • Learning how to create and adhere to a 

  • monthly budget 

  • Helping residents find affordable  permanent housing

School district busing & after school tutoring services
Referrals to other programs such as behavioral health, senior services and veteran affairs.
Rental assistance for those who qualify.


Our Success Rate:  
Our success is unmatched by any other program in the county. 

•    With 49 beds, we provide housing to approximately 300 residents per year with 9 family units and limited space for           individual men and women.
•    6 new Pallet Houses will be added for single homeless seniors
•    Over 50% of residents are children under the age of 18.
•    93% of residents find permanent housing and become self sufficient.

These are a few things that differentiate Valley Restart from other shelters. VRS has prevented numerous people from becoming homeless and adding to the homeless population.  We are not a magnet for homelessness, we consider ourselves a major component in eliminating homelessness in the Hemet - San Jacinto Valley. 

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